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Chichens 1.14.3 苹果版

Chichens 1.14.3
游戏类型:角色扮演 游戏大小:158.5 MB 游戏版本:1.14.3 游戏评分:6 游戏平台:ios 下载量:466 更新时间:2022-02-03 游戏语言:简体中文


Look! It's a chichen! Tap it. Again. Tap it again. Don't stop tapping. Oh wait. They are sleepy now. You probably should have stopped tapping, but don't worry, it will be okay.

Oh look! It's an egg. Let's hatch it.
Look! It's a chichen! Tap it. Again. Tap it again. Don't stop tapping. Oh wait. They are sleepy now. You probably should have stopped tapping, but don't worry, it will be okay.

Oh look! It's an egg. Let's hatch it. I wonder what kind of chichen is inside. Could it be a pizza chichen! Maybe a double-headed chichen OMG could it be the KleptoCat chichen!! Fingers crossed!

Chichens, from the creators of 2016's best cat game, KleptoCats and the team that brought you 2017's cutest claw machine game, Clawbert, and 2018 most heart-warming journey, Tsuki Adventure, is a game that is all about tapping, you guessed it, CHICHENS!

Chichens are cute, silly little critters that go insane when you tap them and drop all sorts of fun things.

Fill each world with chichens and unlock the next one. You never know what these silly chichens are going to do!

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  • Chichens 1.14.3 Chichens 1.14.3 Chichens 1.14.3

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