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Cross Fingers 4.0.0 苹果版

Cross Fingers 4.0.0
游戏类型:其他游戏 游戏大小:68.6 MB 游戏版本:4.0.0 游戏评分:6 游戏平台:ios 下载量:1131 更新时间:2022-04-19 游戏语言:简体中文


Cross Fingers合集
Mobigame, the team behind the multiple award winning EDGE, Perfect Cell and Zombie Tsunami returns in full force with Cross Fingers, a unique game which challenges you to combine solid pieces in a gigantic tangram
Mobigame, the team behind the multiple award winning EDGE, Perfect Cell and Zombie Tsunami returns in full force with Cross Fingers, a unique game which challenges you to combine solid pieces in a gigantic tangram puzzle.

See the gameplay video at :

You will need to exercise your brain, imagination and - unique for a puzzle game - your reflexes and dexterity to complete all 840 levels! For unlimited replay value, unlock the Arcade Mode, which puts you in the middle of a frenetic machine where the challenge is to survive and beat the top score.


TheAPPera.com - "CROSS Fingers is another masterpiece from the TWISTED minds who brought us EDGE by Mobigame."

AppSmile.com - "Cross Fingers, a beautiful new tangram-style game from Mobigame."

TouchArcade.com - "The game really feels like you are playing with a physical object and comes in a very nicely packaged application."

AppAdvice.com - "This is one of the best puzzle games you can have on your idevice."

Note: Turn Off the Multitasking gesture, Zoom and VoiceOver option in your device settings to use more than 2 fingers in your Apps.

Try our other games: Zombie Tsunami, EDGE, Perfect Cell, Truckers Delight.
Follow us on twitter.com/mobigame
Visit us on http://www.mobigame.net

- New vibration option on iPhone
- Minor fix and improvements

Thanks for playing Cross Fingers


  • Cross Fingers 4.0.0 Cross Fingers 4.0.0 Cross Fingers 4.0.0

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